Watch the Q&A

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  • Do you have a passion for learning the principles of conscious parenting and communication?

  • Do you long for a kinder, more compassionate world?

  • Do you love sharing the ideas and tools you've learned with other families?

  • Do you want to invest in your community by helping parents raise emotionally healthy children?

  • Would you like to make an impact serving others and healing the hearts of families?

We have been conditioned by society to believe that emotional engagement is synonymous with a lack of discipline.

We have been taught that tending to emotions coddles children and leaves them vulnerable to the cruelties of the “real world.”

The truth is the conscious model shows us how to nurture empathy, creativity, self-reflection, and intuition in our children so that they grow into independent, socially competent, flexible adults who feel a sense of purpose and motivation in their lives.

There is a robust body of research which supports emotionally intelligent discipline rooted in attachment. We can change the future of our world by raising children who feel valued, connected, and learn to problem-solve cooperatively.

Follow your dream here...


Changing hardwired patterns of thinking and promoting the principles of conscious parenting and communication takes a village! Together, we can show parents how peaceful life can be when we let go of control and punitive consequences and embrace compassion.

The program is structured to walk you through the process of deepening your understanding of the root causes of behavior, and the emotional needs of children so that you can lead other families in making the long-lasting changes they're hoping to make.

In this six-month, intensive, trauma-informed program, we'll explore:

  • Science behind attachment
  • Child development
  • Conscious communication
  • Emotional regulation
  • Mindful practices crucial to raising responsible, respectful children.

You'll embark on a journey of healing old wounds so you can practice the core values of empathy and compassion in your relationships, as well as help others apply them to their parenting.

We will study the theories and values integral to respectful parenting, including the 8 Teach Through Love Principles of Conscious Parenting.

Core aspects of the program include:

  1. Developing your passion and understanding of non-punitive parenting.
  2. Helping you craft your unique message, so you can and bring this work into the greater community. 

You'll receive guidance in our online webinars and group calls, private chat forums, and you'll have the chance to practice the skills you've gained by helping parents in our private community in need.

"After discovering TEACH through Love in 2010, I embarked on a journey filled with hope and determination. Thanks to Lori and the TEACH model, I have learned the tools I needed to shift my parenting from unconscious to conscious, from "power-over" to "relationship with." As a teacher, these tools have also allowed me to support the shift in others. In September 2012, I opened the first TEACH through Love inspired school, Downtown Community School. My journey has been transformative, powerful, and nothing short of amazing. This is how we change the world! "

Emily McCrea, 2015 Program Graduate

"Thank goodness I found Lori Petro! She’s helped make me be a better parent and person. I feel more connected to my son, and because of her, I now have the tools to have more empathy and understanding of him. She gives specific, real-world steps and guidance that will make life easier. When I apply what I’ve learned, magically, the challenging behavior has changed. I’m eternally grateful to Lori and all she’s shared with me."

Angie Sanders, 2016 Program Graduate

"This course has changed so many of my beliefs about what our responsibility to children is, and it feels so right. Lori is a passionate teacher and always finds the time for any question or concern. The curriculum is so well thought out and interactive. I am also learning so much from the others in my class. I cannot wait to share this way of being with other parents."  

Sara Lebow, 2019 Program Graduate

Topics We Cover

  • Reprogramming our habits and thoughts.

  • ,Clearing emotional patterns.

  • Recognizing trauma and managing stress.

  • Relationships and developing resilience.

  • Decoding challenging behaviors.

  • Brain development and increasing motivation.

  • Executive function challenges and skill-building tools.

  • Emotional regulation and sensory tools.

  • Conscious communication and discipline with empathy.

  • Mindful spaces at home and at school.

Ready to do this?

This course is more than a training. It's a life-changing transformation!

Each week, you will enter a space of deep personal work and develop a plan to authentically share your knowledge without seeming like "just another expert."

Find your unique voice and reach the clients who most need your gifts and talents. Whether your goal is to bring this work into your local community or spread your message far and wide, you'll develop the insight you need to compassionately lead families out of cycles of blame, shame, judgment, and guilt.

What's Included

  • 8 Principles of Conscious Training Manual, Curriculum, & Digital Workbook

  • 1 Deck of Conscious Communication Cards

  • 6-Month Program with Weekly Meetings

  • Access to a Library of Online Program to Prepare for the Training Sessions
    (immediate access) $1500 value

  • Access to over 60 hours of cataloged parent Q&A sessions to reference and support your learning (immediate access) $2000 value

  • Private Facebook Group for Certified Educators

  • 8-hour practicum & case study/presentation required for certification

"When my daughter was born, she would cry forever. I didn't know how to handle myself. I was scared, so I started looking for books and trainings and many different things that could help me.  I got to Positive Discipline, and I trained myself as a parent educator. But still, I was feeling that something was missing because I was using the tools but still feeling the anger. I didn't know why. I found your class, and I just dreamed about it because I read the curricula and I said 'I think this is what need. I talked to you about being able to be part of your program, and it all started to change, and it all started to become easier."

Mariana Ocampo, 2017 Program Graduate

"Thank you so much for this amazing program and your support. I've really enjoyed getting to know you and the other ladies as we create our community. Thank you, everyone, for building such a positive and supportive community as we jumped into such challenging (in a great way!) topics. I have learned so much and look forward to continuing our work together."

Sarah Bouwkamp, 2019 Program Graduate

"Thank you for creating the Parent Educator Course! Your attention to detail in the instructions and thoughtfulness around each module makes each lesson clear and easy to follow. I feel so blessed to be supported by you and your expertise. Our family was literally saved because of TEACH through Love and my own road to healing.  I am now determined and inspired to help others know that there is a better way to parent and hope for true connection with their own children.  Amazing! Amazing! Amazing!"

Carrie Reed, 2017 Program Graduate



All webinars and workshops are recorded. At least 75% attendance in the weekly live meetings is required to enroll in this program.**

Participants will receive certification as a Teach Through Love Parent Educator once they demonstrate proficiency in the required knowledge and mastery of the skills needed to be an effective leader in parent education. A minimum of 8 hours of practicum experience is required to obtain certification. Certification and licensing will be granted on an individual basis and is renewable after 2 years. Click here to start the application process!

Program Registration Fees: 5,999
Space is limited. Payment plans available.
Returning Student Discount: $400

Choose the plan that works for YOU!


For returning students (excludes Kickstarter backers) who have completed at least 2 of the courses below OR my Peaceful Solutions for Parents & Kids online program, program fees will be discounted by $400. If choosing a payment plan above, the discount will be applied after the first payment. 

Conscious Communication
Supporting Sensitive Children
Transform Your Parenting
Helping Kids Thrive Beyond Trauma
Fundamentals of Family Peace Full Series 

"I look forward to the continued conversations and monthly meetings with this amazing group of women. I appreciate all the time and effort that goes into making these things happen. I know it’s not easy and that it takes a lot of time and energy. You have done a marvelous job of staying organized." 

Rosie Lamphere, 2019 Program Graduate

"I resonate so deeply with the material Lori presents in this course. On a personal level, it has been one of the most transformative periods of my life. There is just so much richness in this course. I feel I will be digesting and integrating it all for a long time to come. Lori is a passionate and dedicated facilitator who imparts her knowledge with amazing authenticity and depth of understanding. I finally found my 'fit' with her material after years of searching and feel blessed to have connected with such a wonderful group of women who shared and grew together so honestly."

Tam Drury, 2019 Program Graduate

"Lori, Thank you so much for this wonderful program. I really enjoyed being with you all. "

Mona Elkady, 2019 Program Graduate


  • When does the program start and how long is it?

    Spring session runs Feb - July and the Fall session runs September - February (plus practicum experience).

    The training is six months long with 3-4 weekly live sessions each month. Weekly sessions are held online via webinar conference on Tuesday afternoons 2pm ET.

    The months before the official start of the program to allow you to prepare and complete the self-study course requirements and recommended reading.

    There are no educational prerequisites to sign up for the course, but completion of two online self-study courses, Peaceful Solutions for Parents & Kids and Supporting Sensitive Children, is required to be certified and licensed to use the materials. Your registration includes access to these courses and my entire library of online classes, and a searchable, time-stamped archive of over 200 parenting support Q&A recordings.

    You will receive immediate access to the prerequisite courses, Curriculum Workbook, and the Q&A archive upon registration. The rest of the materials will be available or released before the start of each weekly session.

  • When does registration close?

    Early registration is open for 2 weeks. Applications are accepted throughout the year. Six-month payment plan may not be available with late registration.

    Space is limited. Program closes when spots are full regardless of date.

  • I have questions about the live sessions...

    Weekly sessions are scheduled for 1.5-2 hours and office hours are held before and after class, but it is recommended that you block out at least 2 hours of time on meeting dates.

    The program is delivered entirely online and can be accessed via web conference, the mobile app, or dial-in numbers. You will be provided with access links for the web conference, mobile app, or dial-in numbers at the start of the program.

    All live sessions are recorded for later viewing, but active participation in the group meetings is a crucial part of the program experience and a necessary component in learning how to administer the course and lead parents. A minimum of 75% attendance in the live classes is required.

    If you cannot make the majority of the live sessions, please consider whether this is the best time for you to enroll in the program. Of course, sometimes emergencies pop up unexpectedly, and delays happen so you will be able to stream the recorded sessions online after each class.

    We have had Parent Educators in the U.S, England, Africa, Australia, and Mexico in past programs, and the only requirement is that you have stable access to high-speed internet and that the class time works for your timezone (class times fluctuate each year but typically start between 1-2pm ET).

  • Is there required reading or learning outside of the sessions?

    Yes. You will be given handouts and required reading assignments throughout the program in addition to 8 hours practicum experience (with groups or private clients), and completion of the case study/lecture presentations which are required before certification is granted.

  • Will I be automatically certified at the end of the program?

    Certification is granted on an individual basis and depends upon your attendance, successful completion of the program prerequisites and course materials, proficient understanding and demonstration of the key principles of conscious parenting, and completion of the required assessments, practicum experience working with parents in recorded learning sessions, and completing case studies and/or presenting topical interactive lectures for an online or in person group.

  • How can I use the curriculum?

    The TEACH through Love curriculum allows you to present the 8 Principles of Conscious Parenting as a complete trauma-informed parent education 8-week course. You can deliver the lessons in the order they are given, selecting from over 60 different PDF activities and handouts or you can follow the various lesson plans provided, or create your own structure by choosing key topics to create unique lessons and presentations of varying lengths to meet the needs of your clients.

    Facilitate single-topic discussions, breakout workshops, or multi-week courses. Each lesson is comprehensive enough to be presented as a short series on its own.

    There really is no limit to the directions you can go with the materials offered in this program.

Still have questions?

  • What kind of work can I do as a certified parent educator?

    This depends on your particular passion, personality, and skill-set. Do you want to start a private coaching company, facilitate classes, get on the speaker circuit, work within your existing practice, start a blog, Facebook page or teach online?
    There are so many opportunities to bring the principles of conscious parenting into the world. You can work locally within your community, providing parent education services either online or in-person to schools and children and family service agencies.
    You can also offer professional development workshops to educational or government service agencies.
    These are just a few examples of the many ways you can work in the field of parent education. The "Leadership" module in the training program has been designed to help you discover exactly what area of focus speaks to you most, and how to identify the market you want to reach.
    Every individual will have different strengths and preferences for how they choose to use move forward and use the program. We maintain a strong network of colleagues and the individual connections formed during our training sessions are an essential and invaluable part of the experience in my program. The community we build can help you to find your audience and your voice.
    I am not able to provide personal job assistance, partnerships or offer business, legal or marketing advice. However, because I do not work privately with parents any longer, I am continually referring families to my certified parent educators.
    Some of the ways TEACH Parent Educators are using the curriculum:
    One-on-one/group parent coaching
    Conference/University speaker
    Opening a preschool with parent education resources
    As a supplemental tool in their existing practice to help parents
    To implement policy change in schools and local governments
    Creating communities of support to help parents heal from trauma
    Presenting parent education and professional development courses
    Sales and marketing of educational programs to schools and family service agencies.

  • What's included in the course materials?

    TEACH through Love Digital Curriculum
    Digital Workbook + Slides for presentation
    1 deck of Conscious Communication Cards
    Access to my entire library of online programs to prepare for our training sessions (immediate access) $1500 value
    Access to over 60 hours of cataloged parent Q&A's to reference and support your learning (immediate access) $2000 value
    Private Facebook Group for Certified Educators

  • Can I still use the materials if I don't renew my license?

    You are not limited in using the knowledge and training you receive to facilitate workshops, trainings, and courses, but you may not advertise using the name "Teach Through Love" or present or distribute the course materials, slides, and accompanying handouts without a current license.

    Renewal after 2 years is offered for a yearly licensing fee. This fee covers the cost of updated materials, continuing access to the online resources and website, new materials, and permission to use the TEACH THROUGH LOVE materials.

  • What is the cost of the program?

    The tuition is $5999.
    There is a payment plan option:

    6-Month Payment Plans

    $1500 down, 6 equal monthly installments plus administration fees.

    For returning students (excludes Kickstarter backers**) who have completed at least 2 of the courses below OR my Peaceful Solutions for Parents & Kidsonline program, program fees will be discounted by $400. For payment plans - discount applied after the first payment.
    Conscious Communication
    Supporting Sensitive Children
    Transform Your Parenting
    Helping Kids Thrive Beyond Trauma
    Fundamentals of Family Peace Full Series

    ** The returning student discount does not apply if you purchased all or part of your courses as part of a Kickstarter reward. The courses were reduced by over 75%, and the discount is offered to help students who paid full price offset the financial cost of the program.

    Please consider carefully whether this is the right program for you. No refunds will be granted once your registration is complete. In the case of unexpected emergencies, you may reserve a spot in the next session.

    I'm sorry, there are no available scholarships at this time.

Founder & Child Advocate Lori Petro

Lori Petro is the founder of Teach Through Love and the creator of the Conscious Communication Cards. She holds a Bachelors in Elementary and Early Childhood Education and a certification in trauma-informed parent education. While on her own healing journey, she founded Teach Through Love as a vehicle to support parents and provide a new framework for communicating with kids.

Anything is possible when you follow your dreams!


Dr. Shefali Tsabary

Author of The Conscious Parent

"Lori has a gift for taking the ideas of conscious parenting and making them concrete by teaching us how to communicate in new ways."

Dr. Amy Saia

Drexel University

"Many thanks for another superb talk. I know my students valued the information, and of course, so did I."

Helen Flores

Children's Bureau

"Our parents raved about Lori's classes."