Changing the way you speak - changes EVERYTHING!
Don't waste another minute making requests that don't get heard.
What it Takes to Use Conscious Communication (When It's Really Hard)
00:18:12 Lori. Name five words to describe the emotional climate of your home.
00:19:24 Kathi S: Hostile, cold, uncaring, unconnected
00:20:18 Sunnie Mortimer: I do not have children, I am a holistic nurse with children and parents who come to me for stress management
00:21:01 Kathi S: I have the ressources but am being blocked by my partner
00:21:22 Kim Allen: Sunny , energy, peaceful
00:21:33 SG: Reacted to Sunny , energy, pea... with "👏"
00:25:23 Kathi S: What if the other person doesn’t wanna do the repair work?
00:26:00 Kathi S: Exactly, don’t feel supported
00:27:47 Amy: got it.
00:31:17 Kathi S: funny, loving, one-sided, challenging, close
00:31:56 Amy: Reacted to "funny, loving, one-s..." with 💜
00:32:13 Kathi S: He‘s only 3. it’s more about his needs and wishes than mine
00:32:35 Kim Allen: Questionable, emotional, share
00:33:18 Kathi S: That’s exactly what I’m not seeing in neither of my sons. I think their following their father’s example.
00:33:38 Amy: Interestingly, this was a harder exercise for me than I thought when you first described it.
00:35:00 Kim Allen: Listen
00:35:49 Kathi S: They’re 3 and nearly 10
00:40:42 Saumya Gill: I do!
00:41:04 Amy: Did more when mine were little but am learning to be less controlling and more understanding?
00:41:08 Kim Allen: 👍
00:41:51 Saumya Gill: It really is a terrible need to control probably stemming from some anxiety about something else (behavior/unsure about something else)
00:42:00 Amy: Replying to "Did more when mine w..."
Oops! Omit the ? - not a question.😀
00:44:02 Amy: I am better about worry but "avoid" more than I used to. Ouch!
00:44:26 Lesli: self empathy
00:47:01 Saumya Gill: 100% when you are around that family dynamics and conditioning its hard to break apart
00:48:42 Lesli: Correct. It is a tool I use when I am not supported by others.
00:49:57 Amy: Yes, conscious parenting style baffles my parents and in-laws (ages 70's and 80s). Children were to be seen and not heard in their generation. They all have a controlling, authoritative parenting style that doesn't translate well for grandparenting.
00:50:19 Saumya Gill: 100% agree with Amy
00:51:31 Saumya Gill: its hard to sit with the distress but I read somewhere that distress intolerance is the way to grow!
00:54:46 Laurel Klassen: Can I see these 5 steps as a list? I think I’ve lost which one we’re on
00:55:06 Amy: What should one do if the breathing exercise heightens anxious feelings?
00:56:46 Laurel Klassen: Thank you Lori.
01:01:07 Saumya Gill: That's an eye opener...I feel bad when I do expect them to be more well regulated. 🙁
01:04:26 Amy: 1) Prayer, 2) exercise, 3)a trusting friend who knows me and my relationship with family members.
01:08:04 Amy: yes
01:12:02 Amy: yes, makes sense
01:16:07 Saumya Gill: very helpful :)
01:16:17 Amy: Great session. Thank you, Lori!
01:16:52 Amy: yes
01:17:47 Kim Allen: Thank you
01:21:23 Lesli: Thank you!
01:25:26 Amanda (she/her/hers): So many great nuggets. Thank you
01:25:49 Sunnie Mortimer: Thank you Lori! I appreciate your work!
01:25:50 Amy: Reacted to "Thank you Lori! I ap..." with ❤️