How to Speak to Increase Cooperation & Strengthen Your Connection... Without Punitive Discipline!

And Without Harming Your Relationship OR Giving Up Your Influence!

"I now listen to my son to understand him instead of defending my decisions."

Thank you for your course. It has been a wonderful defining point in my journey to effective, respectful communication. Everyone is benefiting from it! My son recently said, "You are different lately. It's like you are more interested in me!" I now listen to him to understand him instead of having to defend my decisions as a parent or give in!!  And nobody gets mad! Thank you, Lori!

Carolyn Magnussen, Norway

Does this sound familiar?

  • I would like to say something ONCE instead of 5 times!

  • No matter what I say or how kindly I say it - it turns into an argument.

  • I worry all the time, and I need to change something fast!

  • Sometimes, I feel like I am too reactive or harsh with my child.

  • I wish I could break the negative cycle of yelling, nagging, and arguing.

  • I'm tired of feeling frustrated, exhausted, or guilty.

  • My kids ONLY listen when I yell or threaten.

A mother and a child sitting on a bench and talking.


Knowing what to say and when to say it is where many parents get stuck. Words fail us because we're stressed out and looking for solutions before we've made a connection. 

If your mind is focused on getting things done, fearing the worst, or gaining compliance - you're less likely to approach behavior with curiosity and compassion. 

There is ONE BIG reason why this happens.

"This is a miracle!"

I really feel like this is a miracle!! So many positive changes in our family thanks to you Lori!

Jill Keuth, Colorado

"Lori has a gift for teaching us how to communicate."

Lori has a gift for taking the ideas of conscious parenting and making them concrete by teaching us how to communicate in new ways. 

Dr. Shefali Tsabary, Clinical Psychologist & Author

You know how it goes...

We're on a schedule.
We need to get things done.
We feel unheard and misunderstood.

So, we launch into auto-pilot, trying to control our kids, unconsciously ignoring what they're actually learning from our actions. 

I can't stop yelling.
They make me so angry!
Why can't they just do what they're asked?

The problem is everyone asking you to use empathy and expecting that to change EVERYTHING. 

You can't change your language until you shift your perspective.  

When you learn to shift your focus, you'll transform the way you speak to people. Not just your kids - but everyone in your life.

How? By getting honest with yourself about WHY you're so reactive. 

I've got a framework for creating the kind of connection that you really want by helping you become more mindful, aware, and responsible for your words and actions!

The way to help our children take control of their behaviors is NOT through consequences and rewards.

It's time to create long-term change in your home without relying on external tools.

"Lori’s classes will change your life."

Seriously, don’t give it one more thought. RUN, don’t walk! Lori’s parenting classes will change your life and your relationship with your child.

Cheli Samaras, California

Limited-Time Offer!

Communicate clearly to reduce the conflicts that cause stress and chaos in your home.

  • $97.00

    Communication Course Only

  • 2 Monthly Payments of $55

    Break it Up


I'm going to show you exactly how to:

  • Become aware of your unconscious communication patterns.

  • Notice how your language, attitude, and tone affect your relationships.

  • Change your patterns and shift out of reactive thinking.

"So happy to have concrete and practical methods."

This class is helping our family so much. I want you to know that I have read countless books and blogs, and talked to everyone around me for advice, but nothing compares to the perfect fit of this class for us. I am so happy to have concrete and practical methods to apply and real language that I trust to use! You are doing a most important job!!! Thank you! 

Yasmin & Billy Shaddox, California

Practical Tools You Can Use to Make Long-Lasting Changes

Companion Downloads to Support You As You Challenge Yourself to Be Really Clear in Your Requests and Communicate Respectfully

One of the reasons people fail to progress along a conscious parenting path is a lack of community support. I'm not going to let that happen to you. It's essential for your peace of mind and the well-being of your children that you have the resources to stay calm and empathetic. 


"Cannot thank you enough. We are seeing big changes!"

My husband and I just cannot thank you enough for the ways this course has affected our lives. We are seeing big changes. We had the instinct, the intention and the determination for conscious parenting, but lacked the skills and tools required to actually make it happen until now. A million times, thank you.

Danielle, Senini, Australia

What's Included in the Course Classroom?

  • Activity Workbook

    Exercises to walk you step-by-step through the program.

  • Video Lessons

    44 (short) videos presented in six mini sessions, so you don't get overwhelmed.

  • Live Support Sessions

    Your questions get answered in our monthly, group Q&A sessions.

  • Bonus Audio

    "It Really Is All About Love w/ Carrie Contey Ph.D." podcast + transcript will provide you with tools to handle conflict with compassion and get to the root cause of behavior.

  • Transcripts

    Lesson transcripts are provided to accommodate different learning styles.

  • Support Call Archive

    Don't wait for the monthly calls. Answers to your toughest questions are just a click away in our time-stamped database of Q&A calls. These audios have helped thousands of families create changes fast!

"I love how you teach and explain everything."

I must say that I have taken many, many parenting classes and read many books over the last 27 years. I love how you teach everything and explain everything.

Michele Barmore

Make Today the Day You Start Fresh with Your Kids!

You'll Never Regret Making Your Relationship Better

Your kids WANT to listen to you. This is how you teach them to do it.

Limited-Time Upgrade Offer!

Save $200!

Lesson One

Let's Learn to Think Differently

You'll learn:

  • to identify what kind of communication creates a positive response in your kids.

  • why your kids fall into negative patterns of behavior and what to do about it.

  • why you become so reactive and the steps to staying emotionally present.

  • what you need to do to feel a genuine desire to help - rather than control - your kids.

  • to understand behavior and address conflict through a compassionate lens, so you can focus on building skills.

  • how to interrupt the negative cycle of blame, shame, judgment, and guilt with just ONE tool.

"Loved this class!"

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Loved this class & I look forward to taking more of your classes! 

Kirista Berry, California

Lesson Two

It's time to Speak in New Ways

You'll learn:

  • why "discipline" eventually stops working and how to motivate your kids.

  • how to respond to a child speaking disrespectfully and de-escalate the tension.

  • what to say when a child becomes defiant or resistant to limit-setting.

  • to listen and express your requests with confidence + compassion.

  • what it takes to encourage your child without creating a praise-junkie.

  • how to raise children who are able to self-reflect and self-correct their behaviors.

"We are all so much happier!"

Working with Lori Petro in person has been an absolute gift from God! The monthly member support calls are invaluable! She has given me the tools to create a cooperative, respectful and connected relationship with my daughter. I am forever grateful to her for the results we experience in our home every day. We are all so much happier!

Jennifer Miskiel, Pennsylvania

Lesson Three

Finally, Let's Change the Way We Act Toward Our Kids

You'll learn:

  • tools and language ideas for handling common problem behaviors.

  • how to help children who struggle with paying attention and staying on task.

  • limit-setting ideas for the 5 R's - Routines, Respect, Relationships, Regulation & Responsibilities.

  • how to approach children and kids so you are more likely to get the response you want. 

  • what nurtures the brain and gives children a solid foundation of emotional health

  • the first-aid you MUST apply before jumping into any conflict chaos.

"Absolutely amazing resource."

Lori is really great at giving you very clear direction about what to do in your situation. Have no fear! Her knowledge of children’s developmental stages and the information she has combined with a generous heart make her an absolutely amazing resource. 

Jennifer Fitch, California

Increase cooperation without losing your connection!


"I feel a hundred times better!"

Lori Petro, you are truly amazing! What a fabulous Q&A call. I feel a hundred times better and needed to hear every word you had to say. My heart thanks you for your compassion. I'm glad to be a part of this class and appreciate your work.

Lavanda Loncharich, Texas 

Limited-Time Upgrade Offer!

Save $200!

"I have enjoyed the classes so much."

I have enjoyed the classes so much. Yesterday I was triggered and caught myself and began to investigate, found the needs and instead of beating myself up for them - my heart broke open and sobbing commenced. I have some hardened ideas beginning to soften. Thank you!

Jana Massey, Tennessee


  • What is the difference between the Conscious Communication Course and the Peaceful Solutions Course?

    The main difference is that Conscious Communication is a 3 lesson course on how to change the way we speak. It specifically focuses on how to implement conscious communication with every day parenting routines.

    Peaceful Solutions is an 8-lesson, 40-Day, comprehensive program, which covers the conscious parenting transformation from the beginning and talks about your past, breaking with your family expectations, child development, setting boundaries, empathy and building emotional intelligence.

  • How long is the this series and how do I attend?

    All course content is presented on-demand in streaming audio/video. Conscious Communication also includes transcripts and lifetime access to the course lessons.

    Learning modules are released weekly for the first month and accessed through the virtual classroom. There are also monthly Q&As held via Zoom each month. You can attend live or listen to the recordings.

  • What if I don’t have time in the next few weeks to complete the course?

    This is a self-paced course, so there is no rush to complete the series in a few weeks. Work at your own pace and use the online forums and monthly support sessions to stay on track and maintain your progress.

    Live meeting access is for at least one year.

  • What if I am too busy to do the exercises in the program?

    I totally understand this one, which is why your subscription includes lifetime access.

    If you're worried about the amount of time you'll spend learning something new. Think about the amount of time that you spend arguing, nagging, threatening or bargaining with your kids right now.

    Is that a pattern you have time for - or want to continue?

    Conscious Communication and being "heard" is not outside your reach, and a community like this, along with the monthly live support, is a game-changer for many families. They see dramatic changes in the level of cooperation and connection that they feel from their kids after implementing what they learn.

    Take time to think about where you are now and where you want to be.

    Ask yourself:
    Do you want to continue with short-term punitive discipline?

    Can you afford to take that chance?

    What is the cost to your relationship with your child?

    Are these small conflicts not that big of a deal – or are they worth the time and investment of learning a new way?

    Balancing the long-term goals for our kids with the daily grind is always a challenge in parenting. This series will certainly require a time commitment, but it is one that will continue to reward you as your child grows.

  • Will I have access to Lori to ask questions?

    If you attend our monthly Q&A's, you'll find me hosting often. I will answer emailed questions on our calls. If you can't make it, you can watch the recording.

    You'll also get to connect with our passionate and caring parent educators and facilitators who sometimes host our meetings and are active in our online groups.

  • What if I do everything in the program and I still am having challenges with my child?

    This program is meant to give you a new framework for speaking and interacting with your loved ones. It is going to take some time and in-depth exploration of yourself coupled with and understanding of the basic framework of communication for you to see changes.

    The sessions and learning exercises are designed to enhance your understanding of how to connect and what to say so you can effectively parent with confidence and kindness.

    While your kids may need extra help, if you are struggling with your own reactions and find yourself unable to stay calm and not yell - my Peaceful Solutions course might be a better fit.

    Honestly, I have not had anyone implement a conscious parenting viewpoint and be worse off because of it. When you’re truly seeking to understand your child and look beyond behavior while practicing the compassionate communication tools I will show you, it’s pretty hard NOT to see real observable change in your child’s behavior.

    **Parent education is not a substitute for professional help. If you feel your child’s behaviors are severe or uncontrollable, consider whether you need to speak with a licensed counselor. Many of our Teach Through Love Educators are therapists, who may be able to support you.

  • Is this class only for parents? What about educators, therapists, nannies, and grandparents?

    While the format speaks to "parents" the series is also helpful for educators, therapists, child-care workers and anyone who works with children.

    The program has been used to train daycare staff, and in professional development presentations for therapists and educators.

    Regardless of whether you are a parent or provider, if you want to think, speak and act more compassionately and consciously - this class is your ticket to learn how. If you want to train your team or are looking for group rates and licensing, please email me.

  • Is the course for young children or will it apply to teens?

    The course content serves as a framework you can use for more effective communication with ANYONE in your life.

    We use examples and stories of parents with kids of all ages and it is not geared to any specific age group.

    Children understand and use language from the very beginning. It is never too early or too late to implement changes in the way you communicate with your kids.

    We do not discuss baby routines or focus on specific parent duties such as sleep or feeding. But the communication tools and self-growth you will learn in the classes apply to family life situations. They are appropriate for parents of toddlers to teens because the process of building relationships and speaking compassionately is the same – no matter what age we are.

  • Is this another parenting course that gives me a bunch of theory but doesn't really tell me how to apply it to my situation?

    This program is full of concrete tools, and exercises. There is a lot of practice but not a lot of fluff. You need tools, and we're all short on time.

    This series is for the parent or caregiver who gets the theory and wants MORE actionable language. If you’re concerned about not understanding how to apply the strategies that you’ll learn in the course, then be sure to attend our monthly Q&A Support calls.

"Another superb talk."

Many thanks for another superb talk. I know my students valued the information, and, of course, so did I. 

Dr. Amy Saia, Drexel University

Meet Lori

Founder & Child Advocate Lori Petro

Lori Petro is the founder of Teach Through Love and the creator of the Conscious Communication Cards. She holds a Bachelors in Elementary and Early Childhood Education and a certification in trauma-informed parent education. While on her own healing journey, she founded Teach Through Love as a vehicle to support parents and provide a new framework for communicating with kids.

"A true gem for parents & educators."

Lori Petro has created a catalyst to ignite greater intimacy, consciousness, and truth within families and in turn, change our world. Teach Through Love is a powerful model - a true gem for parents and educators everywhere!! 

Annie Burnside, Author of Soul to Soul Parenting

Let's Remove the Obstacles and Find Out in the Next 3 Weeks What's Holding You Back from Speaking with Compassion!

Yes! I'm Ready Feel Empowered & Connected to My Kids!

"So glad to be participating."

Excellent class today, Lori!! Great information. Wonderful. So glad to be participating. SO glad to be raising my children on a conscious path. In the long run, it's really the easier way to parent for sure! My 8 & 12-year-old were listening in today and were raising their hands and answering your questions.

Judy Shannon, California

Limited-Time Upgrade Offer!

Save $200!

Course curriculum

  1. ⚪️ Getting Started


  3. 📘 Shift Your Perspective

  4. 📘 Take Back Your Power


  6. 📒 A New Framework

About this course

  • 75 lessons
  • 7 hours of video content
  • 12 Live Bonus Sessions
  • Workbook + Transcripts

Learn to use language that builds respect, teaches self-regulation, and strengthens your influence.

5 star rating

It's clear, direct, and crucial for parenting.

Rose Pena

I have been studying parenting materials for 5 years and still wrestle with self-regulation and non-punitive action. I found this course unexpectedly, litera...

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I have been studying parenting materials for 5 years and still wrestle with self-regulation and non-punitive action. I found this course unexpectedly, literally in an unexpected place, and even with all I've read, I feel I'm more available to what is being shared in this course. It's clear, direct, and crucial for parenting.

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5 star rating


Kim Allen



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