Watch Intro Video


Learn what highly sensitive children need to reduce anxiety, manage stress, form strong relationships, and build the skills they need to navigate life.

Are you a parent, teacher, or caregiver who...

  • walks on eggshells trying not to set-off your highly-sensitive child.

  • worries about the meltdowns which end with your child in a puddle of incoherent tears.

  • is concerned that your child is purposefully defying you.

  • is determined not to let your child run the show in your home.

  • wants to reach a child who seems disinterested, unmotivated or distant.

  • wants to commit to strengthening your relationship, soothing stress, and building your child's skills.

Perhaps your child...

  • is consistently inflexible.

  • seems to overreact to small changes.

  • appears more connected to devices than people.

  • is unable to self-regulate or control their impulses.

  • wakes up and never stops moving.

  • is socially awkward or unable to relate to peers.

  • has trouble maintaining focus, completing tasks or following directions.

  • looks for help - even in situations where independence is expected.

I know what it's like to have a child who...

  • goes from 0 to 60 in .005 seconds.

  • gets stuck in rigid routines.

  • seems anxious and disorganized.

  • has sensory challenges.

  • has trouble seeing other points of view.

  • is easily distracted & angered in a flash.

  • is smart, creative, and highly empathetic.
a black and white photo of a little girl.

I also know what it is like to BE that child.

Confused, stressed, overwhelmed, and feeling disrespected is how I spent much of my childhood. Angering others seemed to be my specialty but I had no skills to change, even though I "knew better."

My parents didn't know what to do.

As an adult, I learned that along with being highly-sensitive, I was also on the Autism Spectrum (Aspergers) and experiencing sensory processing challenges.

It was then that my mission to help parents understand their children became even more clear.
Lori Petro

My childhood experience, insight, and sensitivity are what allow me to walk in your shoes and understand your reality. And, since I also seem to be raising a daughter just like me, I can help you decode those behaviors that seem unreasonable, persistent or defiant.

My goal is to empower you with the tools you need to communicate respectfully and create peace in your home.

You can help your children develop the skills they need to reach their full potential and thrive - if you focus on the three key areas of support which I discuss in this on-demand series. 

Focusing on three areas of emotional and behavioral support, we will scaffold a foundation of success rooted in attachment, self-regulation, and skill development to help you and your child -

  • connect more deeply - even during stress.

  • understand what motivates rigid behavior and obsessive thoughts.

  • establish coping tools to reduce anxiety and manage worries.

  • adapt to sensory sensitivities and build tolerance.

  • strengthen executive function skills to stay calm and focused.

  • overhaul your communication and remove the triggering language that perpetuates negativity.

  • communicate in ways that increase connection, motivation, and cooperation.
Support, stress, skills

When the noise is overwhelming and the chaos seems never-ending, you can find support with us. 

Spend more time enjoying your kids and less time fighting!

  • Video Lessons

    5+ hours of audio/video content presented in bite-sized modules, so you don't get overwhelmed.

  • Monthly Live Support

    Your questions get answered in our monthly group Q&A sessions.

  • Transcripts

    I've got something for every learning style. Transcripts are included for the entire course + introductory class.

  • Activity Workbook

    Exercises to walk you program step-by-step through the program.

  • Support Call Archive

    Don't wait for the monthly calls. Answers to your toughest questions are just a click away.

Don't fear the future.

Your child's sensitivity is a gift. I'm going to show you how to harness it.

Enroll in Supporting Sensitive Children Today!

Choose your payment option.

  • $147.00

    Enroll today - access the course for AT LEAST one year!

  • 3 Payments of $57

    3-Month Payment Plan


Lori has a gift for taking the ideas of conscious parenting and making them concrete by teaching us how to communicate in new ways. 

Dr. Shefali Tsabary, The Conscious Parent

Lori! So grateful for your amazing work and how it continues to transform our family for the better.  

Danielle Senini, Australia

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Loved this class & I look forward to taking more of your classes! 

Kirista Berry, California

I have enjoyed the classes so much. Yesterday I was triggered and caught myself and began to investigate, found the needs and instead of beating myself up for them - my heart broke open and sobbing commenced. I have some hardened ideas beginning to be softened. Thank you!

Jana Massey, Tennessee

I really feel like this is a miracle!! So many positive changes in our family thanks to you, Lori!   

Jill Keuth, Colorado

My wife and I highly benefited from Lori's TEACH program. We have been able to successfully discipline our daughter using non-traditional parenting methods. We recommend this course to every parent we know.

Todd & White Simon, California


Thank you so much for reminding me not to be so hard on myself. Your classes are great.

Carrie Wright, Washington



Lori is really great at giving you very clear direction about what to do in your situation. Have no fear! Her knowledge of children’s developmental stages and the information she has combined with a generous heart make her an absolutely amazing resource. 

Jennifer Fitch, California

Lori! Your class is phenomenal! I am full of gratitude to you for the work you do to be a voice for the children. I have shared your name and website with the classes you offer with many of my patients. 

Yulia  Brockdorf, Oregon


  • How do I participate in the class?

    This class is presented on-demand in streaming audio/videos and transcripts. You only need a fast internet connection and the willingness do the work and listen to or participate in the monthly Q&A sessions.

  • Will I have access to Lori?

    Yes! I am inside our member community all the time, hosting our live monthly support calls and answering your questions.

    We also have 20 other TEACH professionals inside the community offering their support and advice.

  • What if I don't have time right now?

    The on-demand course learning modules are self-paced and presented via streaming audio/video in your course classroom.

    They are available for one year from the date of your enrollment - so there's no pressure to get it all in in 3 sessions.

    As far as time, you want to ask yourself if you can wait any longer to have the relationship with your child that you always hoped for.

    Don't like to listen to classes? Transcripts are also included.

  • How do I access the course materials?

    You'll log into the course classroom and follow the program as it is outlined for you. It's presented in bite-sized learning modules, so you don't get overwhelmed.

    You can start learning as soon as you enroll. This is a self-paced course, and you can feel free to move through the videos at your own pace, and join us for the live sessions (also recorded).

    Have a question and can't wait for a class or a call? Search our Q&A Archive by topic, and then skip to the time-stamped location in the audio for your question. Answers at your fingertips.

    Our private Facebook community is also filled with supportive, resourceful people waiting to connect with you.

  • Will this series address my challenges as a highly sensitive parent?

    It is not uncommon for us to learn to build our tolerance right along with our children.

    If you know that you are highly sensitive, it does not mean that you are subject to a life of over-stimulation. You will learn tips and tools that will help the whole family, but most importantly, this class is built on a foundation of attachment. Repairing the relationship with our inner selves is a priority.

  • Is this class best for younger or older kids?

    The course is for anyone who wants to learn to be less reactive and feel more capable of handling their child's sensitivities.

    Young children are naturally emotionally sensitive and reactive because of their stage of development. But sensitive or not - managing their behavior is something ALL children are working on.

    The skills you strengthen in this class are laying the foundation for children to grow by leaps and bounds.

    Of course, it is important to have expectations that match the developmental timeline of your child - and I'll help you do that.

    You'll learn strategies that match your child's stage of development.

  • How much time will it take to complete the course and see results with my kids?

    The main course is divided into a three-week learning session.

    Each of the three modules contains bite-sized videos and activities to complete, which you can watch daily in small increments or sit down for a full 1-1.5 hr session each week.

    Prefer to read? You can read the transcript and follow the workbook.

    If you put in the work and complete the exercises as outlined in the course, and follow the path I have laid out, you can see immediate results in the way you connect with your kids and how they begin to respond differently to your requests.

    But this is a journey and childhood is filled with opportunities to make mistakes and learn. Your children will consistently develop the skills they need to succeed if you can commit to discovering more about your own behavior, so you can effectively use the tools provided.

Meet Lori

Founder & Child Advocate Lori Petro

Lori Petro is the founder of Teach Through Love and the creator of the Conscious Communication Cards. She holds a Bachelors in Elementary and Early Childhood Education and a certification in trauma-informed parent education. While on her own healing journey, she founded Teach Through Love as a vehicle to support parents and provide a new framework for communicating with kids.

Don't let poor behavior ruin your relationship!

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