Join before October 18th @ 11:59 p.m. for ONLY $97/year!

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Rediscover the Joy of Parenting and Transform Your Home Into a Place You Truly Cherish!

Unlock My "Parenting Essentials" Library of Online Conscious Parenting Courses and Create the Relationship You've Always Wanted with Your Child!

"The audios are brilliant."

Wow, the mp3s are really gifts that keep on giving. They are brilliant. Yesterday really blew my mind. Understanding the science behind it makes me able to feel even more compassion for where children are. It is such a relief to find your work and this whole approach. I really resonate with it and deeply want to build a solid relationship of good communication with my daughter. I am ecstatic to find this now. Mahalo a nui loa.

Hina Knebuhl, Hawaii 

Make Parenting Less Painful and More Satisfying.

Does it feel like conscious parenting has "rules" that are impossible to follow?

Maybe you're trying, but you find it absolutely exhausting to pause first or feel like your every word is nitpicked.

Most of us are stretched too thin and desperate for a moment of peace and privacy. 

We're doing our best to try to find a balance between meeting our own needs and helping our kids.

But it might seem like the pressure to be "gentle" and say the right words is unsustainable.

And it is - if we're looking for perfection from ourselves or our kids.

Even if your childhood was filled with caring adults and happy experiences, many of us carry the baggage of conventional parenting ideals.

  • Power structures that deny basic needs. 
  • Obedience is favored over emotional expression. 
  • Power-over instead of power-with communication. 
  • Imbalanced family systems rooted in “authority” and punitive force.

But, once you have the right view - you're not swayed by false assumptions about your kids or the pressures of societal demands. 

There is ONE thing that will outlast ALL the unsolicited advice you receive about parenting your kids. It's your relationship with your child.

I want investing in your relationship to be a stress-free experience.

Introducing my Parenting Essentials Academy: Your Blueprint to a Brighter Future - $97.

All-access pass to my ENTIRE LIBRARY of parenting topics. Yes, yes!! All of it. Every. Single. Course.

Breakthrough strategies, communication frameworks, stress and trauma resources, anger management, and skill-building activities, sensitive children explained - you name it - this is your complete toolkit to conscious parenting and communicating.

Now over $1200 $2200 of my MOST POPULAR CLASSES!

Join before October 18th @ 11:59 p.m. for ONLY $97/year!

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"I have enjoyed the classes so much."

I have enjoyed the classes so much. Yesterday I was triggered and caught myself and began to investigate, found the needs and instead of beating myself up for them - my heart broke open and sobbing commenced. I have some hardened ideas beginning to soften. Thank you!

Jana Massey, Tennessee

They're Growing So Fast!

Once a year, the Parenting Essentials Academy opens with a big discount to help as many people as possible. This year, I'm practically giving it away!

If you're like most parents who worry (sometimes endlessly) about their child's future - you might see the years flying by and suddenly think - is this it?

Is this how it will be for the next 5, 10, 15 years?

"They push my buttons every single day." 

"I'm tired of the power struggles." 

"Why is everything always such a battle?"

"I just want a break sometimes." 

Empathy isn't easy when we're triggered or fearing what might happen all the time. 

Connection isn't possible when we're stressed out and viewing our children through a lens of "obedience." 

There's no point in judging ourselves (or our kids) when we can do so much to shift things in our favor.

You're not alone if you've woken up thinking: 

"I don't know what to do anymore." 

"I feel like I'm failing as a parent." 

"It's hard to keep up with everything." 

Is the Parenting Essentials Program Right for Me?

Ask yourself if you want to...

  • Stop tiptoeing around your kids and make confident decisions without feeling guilty or giving in to stop the struggle.

  • No longer worry about damaging your child’s brain if you dare say, "Good Job," and learn the real secret to communication.

  • Find sustainable discipline practices - even if you're drowning in kid duties, job responsibilities, or aging parent needs.

  • Relieve the anxiety you have about positive parenting (which is stressing you out more than the actual problems you’re experiencing).

  • Find balance between meeting your own needs and helping your kids.

  • Access EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. of my courses in a yearly subscription for $2200 $597 ONLY $97. (No commitment. Cancel any time.)

You don't have to decide between classes OR spend thousands of dollars to be a better parent.

I want EVERYONE to have access to information that will help them through the burnout and offer inspiration when they're out of creative ideas. But this is a LIMITED-TIME SPECIAL!

"Worth every penny you will spend."

Lori is a wealth of knowledge and a true professional in her field. She is worth every penny you will spend on this series. If you are willing to be open and put into practice the things she teaches, you will, without a doubt, have no regrets.

Suzanne Teter, Pennsylvania 

Academy is ONLY Open Until October 18th @ 11:59 p.m. for $97/year!

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Are These the Right Courses For Me?

What are your most important parenting needs?

Click to enlarge

PLUS - You'll receive TWO Bonus Courses and access to our Expert Series Library, including:

  • Talking to Teens w/ Amy Bryant, LPC, EdS
  • Stress-Proof Your Kids w/ Elizabeth Walther, LCSW
  • Making Sense of Sensory Processing w/ Greg Santucci, OT
  • 5 Ways to Set Non-Punitive Limits
  • Transform Your Parenting

- and SO much more!

Stop losing sleep because you're questioning whether your kids will grow up to be mature, responsible, and able to handle adult responsibilities. 

You can continue to endlessly scroll social media, searching for NEW tips and tricks to make your life easier and your days smoother

But what if you intuitively came up with solid strategies ON YOUR OWN - because you changed old patterns and can now respond compassionately (but not permissively.)

NEW! Just Added!

Activities to Jumpstart Your Transformation!  My digital collection of  Workbooks, Videos, and Activities to help you take the first step without getting overwhelmed.

"We recommend this course to every parent we know."

My wife and I highly benefited from Lori's TEACH program. We have been able to successfully discipline our daughter using non-traditional parenting methods. We recommend this course to every parent we know.

Todd Simon, California 

This Exclusive, Limited-Time Membership Opportunity Offers:

  • A curated library of my most popular courses, each tailored to empower you as a parent. Over $2200 in courses for ONLY $97!!

  • Techniques to rewire your brain, regain confidence, and create a deep, loving bond with your child.

  • Tools to help you listen to your inner voice - not the naysayers who tell you your child needs more discipline.

  • Self-paced courses increase your ability to take the ideas of conscious parenting and apply them to your situation with minimal outside support.

  • Four customized Private Sessions (1 hour each) are available to cheer your successes and support you when you need it most when you Upgrade your Membership. BUT HURRY! DOORS CLOSE ON 10/18!

This future is really, truly possible.


Picture a time when you no longer lie awake at night with anxiety and self-doubt.

Look, nothing will ever be perfect. And if you've come from a challenging childhood, it's even harder to flip your thinking and trust yourself.

But I'm here to guide you through breaking all those family patterns (creating new neural networks) with my Parenting Essentials Academy Membership.

"Thank you for your work. You are amazing."

I wanted to tell you that... I get it!! Lori, I get it now. I have the tools to help my son navigate negative moments with others and do it in such a way that makes sense to him and me - and the other child or adult without me feeling stupid. Thank you. Thank you for your work. You are amazing.

Kirista Berry, British Columbia

I know that not every parent has the same challenges.

That's why the Parenting Essentials Library covers a wide range of topics, including:

  • Trauma resources to help you and your child heal from past experiences.

  • Guidance to support your sensitive child and help them thrive.

  • Webinars with licensed professionals teaching us how to recognize and protect our kids from stress.

  • Tools to manage anger, communicate effectively, and understand the heavy emotional work that parenting entails.

  • The framework and process for using language free of blame, shame, judgment, guilt, and fear without being permissive.

"Thank you!"

 Thank you for giving me my son back!

Kimberley Balfour, California

It's time to address the real reasons behind your child's behavior (because they're growing way too fast)!

If you want to ensure a strong relationship with your child and keep your sanity - stop questioning every decision you make!

"Best thing I've ever done for myself."

I learned so much about myself. It was the best thing I've ever done for myself and my family.

Maria Pilerio (Mom of 8 Kids)

Join us and save over 95% with this subscription bundle! Special offer closes October 18th @ 11:59 p.m.

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So many parents, just like you and me, struggle with the same doubts and fears.

We believe our child's behavior is unwarranted, that things will never change, or that our kids are old enough to "take responsibility," and we're unsure when things are going to getting better.

"We are all so much happier!"

Working with Lori Petro in person has been an absolute gift from God! The monthly member support calls are invaluable! She has given me the tools to create a cooperative, respectful and connected relationship with my daughter. I am forever grateful to her for the results we experience in our home every day. We are all so much happier!

Jennifer Miskiel, Pennsylvania

This Workshop Bundle is for Parents Who Have:

  • Trouble staying calm and curious.

  • Kids who defy and ignore punishments.

  • Difficulty speaking without blame and shame.

  • Kids who have experienced traumatic events.

  • Sensitive, autistic, or otherwise neurodivergent kids.

  • Tried to use "gentle parenting" but can't make it stick.

  • Challenges in more than one area or kids with different needs.

  • Wanted to join a class but needed a more affordable solution.

"This is a miracle!"

I really feel like this is a miracle!! So many positive changes in our family thanks to you, Lori!

Jill Keuth, Colorado

"Your work continues to transform our family for the better!"

Lori! So grateful for your amazing work and how it continues to transform our family for the better. Danielle Senini, Australia

Danielle, Senini, Australia

This is time-tested, trauma-sensitive knowledge to help your child flourish into a mature, responsible, and confident individual, ready to conquer their future!

(even if we're starting with just getting them to pick their clothes up off the floor.).

  • Expand Your Personal Growth

    Explore courses specifically designed for parents like you and rewire your brain to be more confident and calm.

  • Actionable Strategies

    Quick, actionable strategies that fit seamlessly into your existing routine, allowing you to see positive changes at home with your kids without adding MORE tasks to your to-do list.

  • Developmentally Appropriate

    Learn to connect with your children, understand their unique developmental needs, and nurture their potential.

"Real-world steps that make life easier."

Thank goodness I found Lori Petro! She’s helped make me a better parent and person. I feel more connected to my 5-year-old son now. I now have the tools to have more empathy and understanding of my son. She gives specific, real-world steps and guidance that will make life easier. When I apply what I’ve learned, magically, the challenging behavior has changed. I’m eternally grateful to Lori and all she’s shared with me. 

Angie Sanders, Founder, Adoptive Families Support Group, Los Angeles, CA

You are NOT resigned to living a life of walking on eggshells or wanting to run away.

If the daily battles of getting kids out the door on time or to bed without a debate are wearing you down - you're so close to turning that around.

Each class contains bite-sized, high-impact lessons designed for parents who need to see results quickly. If you put in the work and do the exercises (this is mandatory for real growth) - you'll transform your home life and create a nurturing, loving environment for your children, even with limited time.

"I feel a hundred times better!"

Lori Petro, you are truly amazing! What a fabulous Q&A call. I feel a hundred times better and needed to hear every word you had to say. My heart thanks you for your compassion. I'm glad to be a part of this class and appreciate your work.

Lavanda Loncharich, Texas 

The Parenting Essentials Academy program was designed with your busy schedule in mind.

🕒 As parents, our time is a precious resource in short supply. You may be juggling work, household responsibilities, and your child's needs, leaving you with minimal time for personal growth.

But when the need for change at home with our kids is pressing, we want fast, effective solutions. Each course lesson is presented in mini-video sessions. And classes are accompanied by transcripts or optional audio lessons to accommodate the needs of all types of learners.

"I absolutely loved this class!"

I absolutely loved this class. I learned so much just from the first session. It has already changed my life! Love you for all you do! 

Strawberri Young, Utah 

Act Now because the Academy is only open briefly (I wish I could but I can't make it available all year).

Feel like you're "pretending" to be a peaceful parent? Get the support you need to make it a reality!

Join before October 18th @ 11:59 p.m. for ONLY $97/year!

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"I love how you teach and explain everything."

I must say that I have taken many, many parenting classes and read many books over the last 27 years. I love how you teach everything and explain everything.

Michele Barmore

BONUS UPGRADE to the Empowered Parent

Every day is a new challenge. Private sessions are NOW available. Let's connect and talk about how to build a more hopeful future for you and your kids.

"I now listen to my son to understand him instead of defending my decisions."

Thank you for your course. It has been a wonderful defining point in my journey to effective, respectful communication. Everyone is benefiting from it! My son recently said, "You are different lately. It's like you are more interested in me!" I now listen to him to understand him instead of having to defend my decisions as a parent or give in!!  And nobody gets mad! Thank you, Lori!

Carolyn Magnussen, Norway

When you access my complete library of courses, I promise everything will fall into place.

If you've always wanted to take a class but it seemed too hard to choose just one or felt way outside your budget, this program is for you.

"Lori has a gift for teaching us how to communicate."

Lori has a gift for taking the ideas of conscious parenting and making them concrete by teaching us how to communicate in new ways. 

Dr. Shefali Tsabary, Clinical Psychologist & Author

Do You Know the Top 5 Fears Peaceful Parents Like Us Might Experience?

Finding nonjudgmental support that addresses these fears and helps us navigate our emotional world is a crucial piece of learning to teach through love.

  • 1. Questioning whether this is "effective discipline."

We're worried about finding discipline strategies that are both effective and respectful. It's understandable. We want to guide our children without resorting to punishment. 

Learn the difference between being punitive and allowing a true "consequence."

  • 2. Wondering how to balance boundaries and freedom.

Finding the right balance between setting boundaries and allowing children the freedom to explore and learn independently can be a constant concern. 

Discover how to empower your children while keeping them safe. 

  • 3. Teaching "respectful communication" feels weird.

Sometimes, we're so locked into our ways of reacting to our children there's no room for change to happen. We strive to maintain open and respectful communication with our kids. 

But our words aren't natural (it might even feel stilted or corny to speak with empathy).

"So happy to have concrete and practical methods."

This class is helping our family so much. I want you to know that I have read countless books and blogs, and talked to everyone around me for advice, but nothing compares to the perfect fit of this class for us. I am so happy to have concrete and practical methods to apply and real language that I trust to use! You are doing a most important job!!! Thank you! 

Yasmin & Billy Shaddox, California

  • 4. Worried about raising a spoiled child.

Ohhh, we stress so much about how our children will fare in social situations, particularly when our parenting approach differs from more traditional methods. Conscious parenting is exactly what our society needs. 

Learn to end power imbalances and ensure your children can navigate social interactions with confidence.

  • 5. The judgment from other parents is stressful.

Anyone who follows a gentle approach will face judgment or criticism from others who may not understand or agree with their methods. You can handle the haters.


Learn to block out unwanted opinions and stay true to your parenting principles with my Parenting Essentials Academy Membership.

"Cannot thank you enough. We are seeing big changes!"

My husband and I just cannot thank you enough for the ways this course has affected our lives. We are seeing big changes. We had the instinct, the intention and the determination for conscious parenting, but lacked the skills and tools required to actually make it happen until now. A million times, thank you.

Danielle, Senini, Australia

Sometimes, as a parent, you need more than just information. You need an advisor, a guiding hand, someone to answer your burning questions and provide support like an old friend would do.

That's why I offer an exclusive opportunity to add Private Sessions.
PLUS - You'll have access to our Live Calls & Q&A Archive, giving you the chance to:

  • Support & Special Topic Webinars

    Ask your most pressing questions and receive one-on-one support and answers during our live sessions.

  • Q&A Archive

    Explore our library of recorded Q&As for answers to the most common challenges your peers are experiencing.

  • Practical, Actionable Advice

    Get personalized insights and advice tailored to your unique family dynamics.

"Absolutely amazing resource."

Lori is really great at giving you very clear direction about what to do in your situation. Have no fear! Her knowledge of children’s developmental stages and the information she has combined with a generous heart make her an absolutely amazing resource. 

Jennifer Fitch, California

BONUS: The Empowered Parent Membership

It's like having an advisor a click away - on your shoulder, ready to provide the guidance you need.

One-year subscription renews automatically. No commitment. Cancel anytime.

"Loved this class!"

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Loved this class & I look forward to taking more of your classes! 

Kirista Berry, California

Join before October 18th @ 11:59 p.m. for ONLY $97/year!

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  • I already have some of these courses. How is this different?

    When you purchase individual classes, they are yours to keep! You have lifetime access to the course content. The Parenting Essentials Academy is a yearly subscription membership and includes access to my complete library of courses and the Expert Series for one year.

  • I just purchased one of these courses. Can I get a refund?

    No, I’m sorry. I cannot offer retroactive subscriptions or refunds on previously purchased courses. However, if you decide to sign up, know that the value of these classes far exceeds the cost, and you’re saving at least $1000 on all the other program fees.

  • I'm already a member of your Conscious Parenting Academy. Is this different?

    Yes. The Conscious Parenting Academy is a collection of sample lessons from my classes, giving you pieces of essential practices and shifts. It is free and practical. But this is way, WAY more.

  • How long do I have access to The Parenting Essentials?

    You have at least one year from the date of purchase.

  • When are your live sessions? What if I can't make the times?

    Special topic webinars are held throughout the year and posted in the Q&A Archive. Times rotate, and you can join live or wait for the recording.

    If you can't make it, send in your questions and receive advice in the recording.

I'm a mother of four, and you have been a critical part of my parenting. Thank you so much for what you do! 

Norah Staples

I can't say enough about the practical advice you get from this seminar! I learned how to speak much calmer and clearer (perfect for kids!) by listening to her example! This seminar helped my parenting take a swift turn in the right direction. It's worth every penny

Soni Albright

I have read quite a few books on conscious parenting, but just reading and listening to your sample audios about how parenting is about being in a RELATIONSHIP has given me amazing clarity, and I have had an incredible week with my nine-year-old daughter. Thank you!  

Sheila V. 

Don't Wait! The Parenting Essentials Academy is only open ONCE a year.

If parenting is harder than you expected - this is going to clear away the confusion.

Academy is ONLY Open Until October 18th @ 11:59 p.m. for $97/year!

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